
何でもメディアシティUKというプロジェクトがあって、UKのメディアの中心としてサルフォードキーズ(Salford Quays、マンチェスターのシティセンターのすぐとなりです)に今後メディア関係のオフィスを集中させていくようです。
以下のようなプレスリリース( http://www.mediacityuk.co.uk/pr_licenseresponse.html )がありました。

18th January 2007

A response to the Government’s announcement today (January 18th 2007) regarding the BBC licence fee settlement and the mediacity:uk project – an ambitious scheme to deliver the UK’s first media city, an innovative creative hub covering 200 acres in Salford, Greater Manchester.
Felicity Goodey, Chief Executive, mediacity:uk said:

“This is the news we have all been waiting for. Today’s announcements give the green light for the creation of a globally significant new media city at Salford Quays. The BBC have bought into a big vision for the future of Britain’s creative industries. This national project will benefit not only the BBC and the media as a whole; it will change the lives of people in Salford, Manchester and the North of England. The UK media industry is about to enter a new era and mediacity:uk will be at the very heart of this creative revolution. This development will transform the media landscape and propel the British industry to the forefront of a growing global market. We are looking forward to welcoming the BBC and other broadcasters to mediacity:uk – the new media centre for the UK.”



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